Friday, 26 October 2012

Fluffy Friday! Eco Nappy Solutions!

Hi my name is Shay and I'm a CLOTH DIAPER ADDICT! There I've said it! I LOOOOOVE cloth nappies and this next brand might be one (there are many) of the reasons why!

How gorgeous is this fluffy,starry butt! It's double stuffed here as she just woke up from her night time sleep, NO LEAKS!

Right, now let me tell you, this nappy is not only gorgeous to look at but it's super efficient too! Here are a few of my favourite features:

  • It's bamboo which is really absorbent and has anti-bacterial properties
  • The outer material is 100% polyester PUL which is waterproof (and of course has the gorgeous prints!)
  • The inner is a breathable 100% micro fibre polar fleece blend
  • The polar fleece draws moisture away from their little tooshies keeping them feeling dry!
  • It's a snap nappy (which are slowly becoming my favourite over hook and loop!)

  • There are 2 types of inserts available
  • White insert is a bleached 5 layer bamboo insert that is super soft (mine got a few explosions to test it and I must say they had no stains after a good "sunning session" outside)
  • Charcoal insert is also 5 layers of unbleached bamboo material and is slightly more absorbent than the white.
  • I like both inserts for different reasons but the charcoal is still tops as it's super soft and never stains! Woooohoooo!
  • It's a pocket nappy so the insert slides in between the fleece and PUL layer but you can just put the insert on top too
  • There are 3x3 rows of snaps that allow you to adjust as you need for your baba which means this nappy will last from newborn till potty trained
  • They have hip snaps so no wing droop, yippee!
  • They come in a range of patterns
Like this one! How cute is this?!

Until this review I had never tried an ECO NAPPY SOLUTIONS diaper but I am in love! This nappy fits our Sweetpea and Little Man beautifully (not that he wears this purple beauty often, just tried it on for fit!) and is a trim fit too! Will definitely be adding more of these to our cloth stash!

If you would like to see more of their range:

This is the fit on Sweetpea! She is 5 months old and it's on the 2nd last row of snaps  on the rise so she should have a lot of use of this nappy!

This company has great zippered wetbags and  really soft, biodegradable liners too! We'll be reviewing them soon!

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Natursutten Pacifier

Okay so let me be honest..... Although a lot of the goodies we review are mainly for Sweetpea and the munchkins I really LOVE a lot of the products and have a huge "mommy must have list". However this next awesome product has got to be Sweetpea's all time favourite (next to Lily her bunny!)

Oh how she loooooves it!

It's her Natursutten Paci! Man oh man does she adore this dummy! We switched her to natural dummies pretty early on and we haven't been sorry at all! Not only are they healthier for your baba but they are also sustainably produced.

What we love about this paci:

NATURSUTTEN pacifiers – made from 100% natural rubber 

With NATURSUTTEN pacifiers, you avoid:

• Allergy causing substances*
• Artificial color
• Cancer causing substances
• Hormone disturbing substances
• Chemical softeners
• Parabens, PVC, BPA and phthalates

*The protein that on rare occasions can provoke a latex allergy is eliminated during production.

NATURSUTTEN is made from pure natural rubber from the tree Hevea brasiliensis using ecologically sustainable production methods.

The design, the company and the idea is Danish and the product manufactured exclusively in Italy.

NATURSUTTEN is sold only by EcoBaby in Denmark, through Öko Afrika in South Africa and other selected distributors around the world.
All NATURSUTTEN pacifiers are certified to conform to the European Union (EU) directive concerned with safety, health and environment. (Pacifier Safety requirements by European standard EN 1400).

They come in orthodontic or round teats and with a round or butterfly shield. We have the orthodontic butterfly!

They are designed to look and feel like something a mommy owns...

They are a natural product so can come in different shades and may change colour slightly over time!

You can purchase your Nat paci over at:

And you can find them on facebook!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Lily 'n Jack!

Ok so anyone who knows my dear Sweetpea knows she loves to cuddle. Yeah I know, lucky Mamma to have a baby who is soooo snuggly. She loves to sleep with a muslin cloth next to her face so when we received this gorgeous little bunny from Lily 'n Jack I knew she was going to love it!

She has really taken to her bunny infact all my girls thought this little bunny was too precious. We've named her Lily.

We have a few pics with Sweetpea and her little Lily and she will always be part of my fondest memories when I look back one day over our little girls life. She'll be going in her memory box for her to open when she's older...

Lily is really well made and has been through the wash a few times already and looks as good as she did the day she arrived at our home. Not only are these bunnies gorgeous, well made and super comforting for our precious ones but this comapny has awesome service. Due to the strike our first bunny got lost in the post and Lily 'n Jack immediately sent Sweetpea another! This was one impressed Mamma!

I think every baba should have their own bunny with silky soft ears to cuddle and sooth.

You can find this awesome company on Facebook or at:

Wordless wednesday!

On a "daddy date"! My two boys!

Princess on her "daddy date"!
All the munchkins get to have time alone with daddy. Miss Sunshine doesn't like going on a date with daddy without me, I guess she prefers it when we are all together!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Fluffy Friday! Bum Genius Detergent

Ok so we've mentioned a few different brands of cloth nappies and have a whole lot more coming soon but I know you must be wondering about the WASHING part of it.

Well I'm here to tell you that it's not as hard as you might think. It's actually pretty simple. Make a routine of it and you will never go wrong!

There are many detergents that you can use as long as you use half of what they recommend on the box or bottle and that you stay far away from fabric softner. Softner stays on the fabric and coats it which then repells any liquid which = a leaking nappy = miserable baby and unhappy mamma.

We will be chatting different ways and products to use when taking care of your cloth. Lately we've been using BUMGENIUS DIAPER DETERGENT and it's working pretty well.

It is free of dyes, optical brighteners, fragrances, enzymes and phosphates. There are 66 loads (based on front loader usage) per box and the scoop has been specially designed for cloth diapers. The product is packaged in an award-winning, environmentally certified box. It is certified for use in HE washers. It is approved for use with bumGenius diapers.

I do a wash with this and then do another rinse with either vinegar or bicarb to make sure all the detergent has rinsed off and won't result in build up.

You can purchase yours at:

We'll be reviewing more detergents soon.

Saturday, 13 October 2012


We have some TOTALLY awesome reviews coming up in the next couple of weeks with products and fluffy butts from:

Efa nappies

The Baby Throne

Mother Nature AIO

Eco Nappy Solutions


I am so excited to share some of these products with you as we have been loving ALL of them in our home. The nappies have been going through some serious testing and let's just say that I'm ready to replace half my stash with a few of these beauties! Which ones you ask? You'll have to wait and see......


Friday, 12 October 2012

Fluffy Friday! Cloth wipes...

So one of my favourite things about cloth nappies (and there are many!) is that it just makes so much sense to use cloth wipes too! They are super soft, clean better than ordinary wet wipes and you just throw them in the pail with your dirty diaper.

Let me show you how EASY it is:

You'll need:

1 Tbs Olive oil (help glide over bum and nourish it)
1 Tbs Natural baby wash (clean the bum)
 3 drops Tea Tree oil/ lavender oil (anti bacterial)
2 Cups Water
Mix it all together in a bowl and dip and wring each wipe out.
HINT: try not to mix it to hard as you don't want to make bubbles.

These are wipes from BAM + BOO Baby

Fold one over the other and put in your wipes box.... TADA!

Use within 3 days to prevent it from growing anything fluffy! (Hence the tea tree oil which helps keep it fresh)

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Dribblin bib!

How cute is this?

Or this

See where I'm going with this?

Cute bib right? We were sent this gorgeous bandana bib from DRIBBLIN BIB a few weeks ago and it came just in time! Sweetpea has started with a serious dribbling fest so most of her gorgeous outfits are sporting these seriously ugly and large bibs that cover the cuteness! Seriously not cool!

That's where Dribblin Bib comes in! Their bibs are super cute and funky but also really functional!

What we love about it:
  • Super soft 100% cotton in a DOUBLE layer
  • Really absorbent
  • Prevents chaffing so none of that hard rash under their chins
  • Fabric is durable and can withstand frequent washing
  • Can be tumble dried on low
  • Gorgeous collection to go with any outfit
You can view their gorgeous range here:

Monday, 8 October 2012

Colic remedy! Sister Lillian Remedies!

We try as much as we can to use natural remedies in our home for us as well as our children! So anyone who knows me knows that I am a HUGE Sister Lillian Remedies fan!

We've been really blessed with all our babies not having colic but at any given time a baby can get gas that causes some discomfort (just like any adult can!). Our tried and tested remedy:

This is awesome stuff! We've used it for our last 2 babies from birth but have even given it to our older 2 kiddo's and I've been known to pop a tablet under my tongue too! I have a friend who joined with her daughter had the worst case of food poisoning ever and she swears by it!

We've had almost instant relief of gas and cramps with Sweetpea using this remedy. It's a combination of Tissue salts and homeopathic remedies that assist in the common treatment of symptoms related to colic like gas, spasms, crying!

There are 90 tablets that can be taken 3 times a day or in acute cases 1-2 hourly!

They are:

  • Free of lactose, gluten and yeast
  • No artificial flavours
  • No artificial colours
  • No preservatives
A must have in any mamma's medicine cabinet! We have 1 in our home and 1 in the nappy bag!

POD baby carrier!

It's International Baby Wearing Week 8-12 October 2012 so I'm going to share with you my favourite sling or should I say wrap that I've ever used!



I looooooove wearing my babies and have done it with all of them! We've used a few slings, carriers and wraps in the last 6 years but this is by far my favourite! Why Sweetpea and I love this wrap the most:

  • Because it crosses over your back and the front it really gives you great support
  • The fabric is super soft and comfortable and doesn't get sweaty but is still snuggly in the cooler months
  • I love that they have tappered out the ends so that you don't have this huge amount of fabric hanging in your front where you tie the not
  • They really have gorgeous colours available 
  • Ours has been through the wash countless times and the edging is still in tack and the logo hasn't started to come off either.
  • It may look intimidating to put on but it's really simple once you try it.
  • Their website has detailed diagrams to show you step by step
  • It's only stretchy in one direction giving it the exact amount of "give" in all the right places.
  • There are different positions

Great for breast feeding.

If you live in Cape Town go check them out at:

You can also find them on facebook or online: