Wednesday, 16 January 2013

éfa nappies!

Now let me tell you, one of my favourite things is to get  FLUFFY MAIL!

So imagine my surprise when I got this gorgeous package!

I love it when a company goes to extra lengths for a client especially mommies who could use all the pretty extras! Well let me tell you that these nappies didn't disappoint either!

It's a pocket nappy so great for ease of use (especially for daddies and   to send to daycare).
Love the charcoal coloured fleece on the inside, it keeps moisture away from baby and it doesn't show stains!

This is on the 2nd rise setting and I think Sweetpea will use it like this for a while to come! I just love this purple!

As you can see this nappy will really take you from newborn to potty training. Its the best nappy in my opinion to do so. For a tiny baby there are overlapping snaps on the top which is a must and the hip snap prevents the "wing droop" from happening when they get mobile.

It's not a bulky nappy either so fits great under pants although I must say this spring I never covered them up! 

These nappies aren't only gorgeous but much healthier for baba as they are bamboo, so not chemically ridden plastic next to their important parts. They are also more sustainably produced being that they are made from bamboo and as you can see by the diagram below, much more friendly on the pocket!

This is what they said on their site about the cost:

Our research shows average daily nappy use are about:
0 - 3 months10 per day
3 - 6 months8 per day
6 - 12 months6 per day
12 - 24 months6 per day
24 - Potty training5 per day
On average, using disposable nappies will add up to about 5 369 nappies at a cost of R17 727* over 2,5 years (not accounting for inflation).

This, compared to 
Éfa Bamboo Nappies:
until potty training at 2.5yrs of age
@R139 for one nappy (including 1 x  liner)
Using 20 nappies in total

Check their very informative site out: