Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Poopsy Daisy

When I started with cloth nappies 8 years ago when Miss Sunshine was a couple of weeks old, I remember wishing South Africa had the wide range of WAHM (work at home mom) brands that the US had.

Well the cloth community in SA has grown hugely since then and now we do have some awesome brands available locally! One of my favourite brands is Poopsy Daisy.

Charnelle, the creative brain behind this brand.. She is a mamma to 4 and a homeschooler too, so you can understand my excitement right?!

Not only is she a mamma after my own heart but her products at Poopsy Daisy are of excellent quality and workmanship. The fleece night nappy we received was our work horse in our stash and always reliable as a night time option.

This was the beloved Poopsy we received, it's now been passed on to this cutie in the pic. Charnelle no longer makes these but has Windpro Night nappies that I hear are bomb proof! 

Sweetpea fed at least twice at night and went through stages were her output would be considered "heavy wetter", so this night time solution was put through the test.

What we liked about the Poopsy Night Fleece Nappy
  • It never let us down as a night time solution, it could hold 8 hours and not leak and also wouldn't leave Sweetpea with a clammy toosh. That was with the 3 inserts it came with. As she got older I added a small prefold in for night time.
  • The inserts in my case weren't snap ons so I could choose to have the bamboo side face her bum during the day (natural fabric option against skin) and then the fleece side against her at night giving the stay dry feel.
  • Wash after wash  and not one stitch came undone, shrinkage or stretched elastics never happened with this one.
  • The fleece does pill after some use but that is the nature of the fabric so expect that to happen.
  • Along our cloth journey with 3 babies, I found that I really enjoyed a fold over rise and this nappy has one. Although the design of the Poopsy Daisy nappy has changed to a slimmer cut, I still found this one to be snug and I used the fold over rise on and off for quite a while. It's not just limited to younger babies, as they grow and get taller and slimmer I did find I used the fold over rise again.
  • On its full rise setting it will last till potty training. Sweetpea day trained just before 2 and this nappy still had quite a bit of "give" left.
  • Another great option for night are hemp nappies with a fleece cover.  These are the fitteds (with and without snaps) and a winged prefold (top right corner)

The different prints and snap colour combos are so gorgeous. Did I mention I have a thing for foxes?

This has a snap in insert but as you can see the snaps aren't exposed on the back so no discomfort for baby when they lie down.

The snap placement on this nappy is awesome. I never had bunching between snaps (I'm not OCD, I promise!) and found that I used the foldover rise on occassion with Sweetpea at her toddler stage too as she slimmed out after a growth spurt so even a handy feature at the end stages of our nappy journey. I will be introducing my new niece at the end of the post but this is Squish in her Poopsy Daisy newborn fitteds. They have a cord snap too that can snap down so the fabric doesn't chafe the cord stump.

This nappy can go coverless if you have a light to medium wetter or can be used with a fleece soaker/longies, wool cover or PUL cover for heavy wetters.
Poopsy Daisy Longies are also available.

Velour nappies.

Squish in her "Dragon scales" side snapping SIO. She was 7 weeks old and 4.8kgs on the smallest rise setting.

Poopsy Daisy stocks:

  • Contoured prefolds and prefolds
  • Hemp fitteds
  • Hybrid fitteds
  • SIO
  • Pants or loones
  • Fleece night nappies
  • Mama Cloth (cloth menstrual pads for ladies and girls)
Quite excited about these!


So let me introduce you to the new member of the family. This is Squish and she will occassionally model some goodies and test out products for the blog/vlog. Ain't she cute?!

For those who don't know, I'm the oldest of 2 children and this cutie belongs to my baby brother.

Squishy right?!
I can't say enough about the workmanship of these nappies. Wash after wash and from baby to toddler to the next baby and it's still going. Every stash needs a Poopsy.

You can find them on Facebook and online.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Hello Again!

Hellooooooo, anybody there?!

Well to be honest I am SOOOOOO surprised that I still had so many views even though I have been MIA for so long.

I  actually had to decide whether to carry on with the blog because life is just too busy for this mamma and my hubster may be a writer but I AM NOT, so it takes me way to long to write a post but alas I have decided to continue what I love doing on here just on a different format. I will occassionally have some posts but will mostly be vlogging because I can talk so much better than write lol!

All our reviews, homeschool and just life will be posted on You Tube with links here.

Life has gone on since I "saw" you all last so will post it all in pics as that's way more fun than reading right?!

Ordinary day at home in the school room. Will be doing a video clip of our set up soon as we get asked a lot about our space.

 Some outside learning, enjoying the warm sunshine.

 This madam turned 4 and to think she was the reason this blog started when she was only 4 weeks old.

Little man decided it was time to cut his curls. I do miss them but he is loving the ease of it and so am I. LOVE this pick of my boys!

Princess has turned 10 and I have to pinch myself on a daily basis that we have approached this age with our firstborn who we thought we would never have.

Miss Sunshine has turned 8 and she is such a treasure with a wicked sense of humour. She is enjoying reading now and loves " little adventures" as she calls them.

Mr MovieMaker, well he worked on another movie this year, wrote a book and a script for a tv series and has just been his awesome self as always. I am so incredibly proud of this guy and all that he stands for. He lost both his parents in a space of a year and was able to stand tall after. He has some exciting things coming soon and I can't wait to walk that journey with him…

We decided this time while we travelled for hubsters work that we would take a train trip instead of fly and man, that was such an awesome adventure. 27 hours of straight family time in 2 cabins on a train… BLISS! We can highly recommend it but will do another pic laden post on that soon.

So please stick around and be part of the change from blog to vlog and send all your requests of what you would like to see on FACEBOOK